Total Art Direction
Copyright (c) Shingo Ishida all rights reserved.
Shingo Ishida
Art Painter
1979 Mie birth , Japan
Graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design
Artist Statement
I was born and raised in a rich natural environment surrounded by japanese fieldsand forests.
I liked drawing pictures of dolphins and whales in my childhood.
I liked playing by oneself with an introverted personality.
I was extremely happy that my parents and surrounding adults praised the picture I painted while I was a child.
And I think that being able to establish my identity that my picture is better than the surrounding children was a factor for becoming an artist.
And the biggest reason why I became an artist is because I could freely draw the picture of the imaginary world.
After that I started pencil drawing at an art school and learned the basics of painting.
And I've tried various expressions such as illustration, animation, video, painting etc at a university of fine arts.
I am good at drawing high-density pictures with an aqueous pen.
However, I felt cramped that I could express only within the range of paper and canvas.
I wanted to create bigger, stronger, bold pieces.
And, after thinking, I challenged to create “Relief(Sculpture)" as a means to express the picture in three dimensions.
By starting to make “Relief(Sculpture)" I was able to grow beyond my limits.
I hope to spread the powerful spirit that the Japanese have to the world by creating and disseminating works.
I'd like to create a powerful work incorporating Japanese soul and culture. For example, it is a delicate and unique expression with motif "Temple, Buddha, family crest, tattoo, Japanese pattern".
I am proud to be a Japanese.
When viewing my works, the viewer feels fear.
Because when viewers see my work they sense the feelings of heartache, sorrow, anger.
Surely I am living with suppressed the strong impulse which is usually violent.
Creating a work is an act of trying to know himself deeply.
I conflict with myself contradicting day by day, but I would like to convey the wonderfulness of creating things for viewers through my own work.
I would like to continue making fresh, bold and powerful works incorporating the new method without deciding the production method and type.
I am living as a Japanese artist with a delicate heart, a strong spirit, a soul of passion, a strong will.
And finally,I'm a solitary Art painter who combines passion and cold heart.
Art painter : Shingo Ishida